Arsenian II


Nino Bagrationi
Giorgi Bagrationi
Giorgi Bagrationi
Gia Shervashidze

Ruins of a hall-type church were discovered at the bottom of a cliff, 120 metres north-west of Arseniseuli Church. Its planning reminds that of Arseniseuli, though the church must have been smaller in size. It also stands on a subustructure accommodating a low crypt. There is a cornice with a simple profile on top of a socle. The walls are almost completely destroyed, though the plan is still visible. The hall is divided into two parts by means of projecting pilasters. Longitudinal walls used to be provided with two-stepped arches. The semi-circular sanctuary is flanked by rectangular pastophoria. The east façade bears traces of triangular niches.

Nothing but the portions of the west and north walls survive from the church. The west part of the church abuts on a cliff. The window piercing the west wall becomes wider towards the cliff. The church is built of roughly cut grey stone arranged in horizontal courses. Surviving fragments assign the church to the 10th century.
