Vachedzori (Niakomi)


Nino Bagrationi
Giorgi Bagrationi
Giorgi Bagrationi
Gia Shervashidze

Vachedzor is located in the Niakom gorge at quite a distance from the village of Ildizkaia.

Vachedzor (Niakom) was a large monastery. It now comprises a large cruciform church of St Stephen, seven hall churches, a bell-tower, chapels and other subsidiary structures.

Built in the 9th century, St Stephen’s is the main church of the monastery. It is of an ‘inscribed cross’ type with its dome carried by four round columns. The central nave ends in a semi-circular sanctuary. The south and north arms are short. Hence the extremely narrow shape of the pastophoria.

Especially noteworthy is a chapel to the east of the church, which preserves mural paintings dating from a later period, namely 13th-14th centuries.
